982Lonely teenager Mia gets hooked on the thrills of conjuring spirits through a ceramic hand, but when she is confronted by a soul claiming to be her de宝莱坞禧年
1097Set in a newly independent India, Jubilee is a fictional period drama that unveils the stories and dreams that gave birth to Bollywood, as we know it.初见倾心
704哈德莉(海莉·露·理查森饰)错过了纽约飞往伦敦的航班,并在机场偶遇奥利弗(本·哈迪饰),两人一见如故。飞机上的漫长夜晚眨眼间就过去了,但飞机降落在希思罗机场后,两人被迫分开了,在混乱中找到彼此似乎是不可能的。但命运会不会出手,让这对邻座乘客变成灵魂伴侣?无声的证言 第二十三季
207A private jet crashes into woodland outside London. Among the passengers is a former U.S. Ambassador. Thomas investigates the apparent suicide of a su凹头弹
7022016 年,俄罗斯雇佣兵沙贝罗夫在叙利亚当排雷工兵,这本该是他职业生涯的顶峰,但他不久就爱上了一名俄叙混血女儿,并决定去沙漠古城拯救她……